Game of Thrones Didn't Need Dragons

Painting. New full-length video author interview. New character passports: Emra Telawani and Bard Whiteshore.

"Game of Thrones didn't need the dragons." Author profile, dragons, soldiers, a girl, and a tiger.

Life. Is. Painting. At least, it has been for me these last couple of weeks. We're getting ready to sell the house in Pacifica, which means a LOT of work to restore the 29 years of accumulated wear from kids + life. With new paint, cabinets, kitchen counter, and carpet, the house looks better than it did when we moved in, but sooo tiiired... On the plus side, I now know passably how to use a paint sprayer and orbital sander.

White-walled bedroom with canvas on the floor, plastic drape over the closet, and a paint sprayer in the hall

If you're wondering about the Game of Thrones not needing dragons comment, that's one of several insights in the just-released author interview we shot in Paris. The marketing team did a bang-up job with editing, and I think it looks really nice. More below. (And if you're still in a video watching mood, the Enigma trailer has been re-worked into vertical format to accommodate phones and such. Check out the tall shiny here.)

Despite the housework, I've managed to make some progress on the Timeless Keeper Saga Book 3 (still unnamed). The potential scope is so vast that my biggest challenge is picking and choosing what to focus on so it doesn't all bleed together. The story still feels nice and personal, so yay!

In the times I haven't had the energy to write, I re-listened to Angels in the Mist and Angels Lost, narrated by the wonderful Dayna Ganiko. That, of course, snared me into reading the rest of the series, which I thoroughly enjoyed. It also prompted some changes / improvements for the upcoming Angels Adrift and Angels Strike releases. Everybody wins. (No new updates from the publisher on when those will be, sorry!)

Lastly, got two more character passports for you: Emra Telawani, who is the protagonist in Project Xerxes and has a major role in Enigma, and Bard Whiteshore, the dashing Entropian Ambassador. Hope you enjoy!

In this newsletter

  • Author Video Interview — Words from Paris
  • Enigma Passport Profiles — Emra Telawani and Bard Whiteshore
  • Book Sales and Events
  • Currently Reading

Author Video Interview

Words from Paris

In addition to the sheer pleasure of enjoying Paris this past May, Your Team Marketing filmed an interview of me on a rooftop garden overlooking the city, despite a host of setbacks. The director couldn't obtain a visa in time to make the trip, who also had the camera and sound equipment. Not to be deterred, the team pooled their collective devices to fabricate a film studio that would have made MacGyver take notes. One iPhone served as a camera, supported by a roll of paper towels and a stack of books, while another phone sat in front of me to serve as a mic.

An iPhone lying horizontal across the top of a paper towel rack, stacked on four books
Behind the Scenes: Elen fine-tuning the camera setup

Overall, on top of having a lot of fun, I think the interview turned out well. We talk writing process and deep dive into some of the themes and inspiration for Enigma. Check out the full reel below.

Enigma Passport Profiles

Emra Telawani, Commander, GSF

Role: Starship captain, Commander in the Galileo Space Force.

Setting: GSS Infinitum, a fold-capable cruiser docked at Hemera Station (orbiting Planet Enigma).

Emra wanted to be a starship captain, like her esteemed father, as far back as she can remember. A natural leader, she worked hard during her time in the GSF, which left little time for friends or relationships. She has only recently achieved her dream, despite a minor setback when she and Nizsm Mido landed in jail.

Current Crisis:
Crystal and Bard appear on her ship, claiming their lives are under active threat from a madman with a singing saber. Emra must weigh their lives against her duty, the possible loss of her treasured starship command, and abandoning her missing lover to the mysteries of Enigma.

Character Traits:

  • Leader: Calm and decisive under pressure, Emra is the epitome of command, revered by her crew.
  • Loner: Emra is fiercely independent to the extent that she has distanced herself from family, friends, and potential lovers—except one.
  • Reliable: Emra takes her commitments seriously and gives her all to seeing them through.

Bard Whiteshore

Role: Entropian Ambassador and Key Ally to Crystal.

Setting: Hemera Station (Space Station orbiting Planet Enigma).

Bard was born with a silver spoon in his mouth to a family of high social standing. At a young age, they hired a playmate with impeccable social skills to teach him how to navigate high society. That backfired when the boy turned out to be a con man who taught Bard the wrong sort of life lessons. Bard eventually followed the family dream and landed a job in politics, where he became close with Entropia’s president, and eventually earned an appointment as Ambassador to the Lost Colonies Alliance.

Current Crisis:
Bard is a lover, not a fighter. When catastrophe strikes Britta Silverstar, he becomes entangled in a deadly conspiracy where he must choose whether to leave Crystal to an unknown fate, or put himself in harm's way to help the first woman who has ever truly struck his fancy—assuming he can earn her trust.

Character Traits:

  • Rogue: On the surface, Bard takes little seriously, disregards the rules, and has a witty comeback for everything. He even dresses like Robin Hood.
  • Charismatic: Bard's strapping form, paired with an easy, affable personality and a dashing smile, makes him the center of attention in almost every party.
  • Intelligent: In another life—or another colony—Bard might have been a scientist or engineer. Entropian society doesn't treasure sharp minds, however, so he has learned to keep his interests to himself and stick to the rogue schtick.

Book Sales and Events

  • August 23–25 — Story Valley Writing Conference. "This [online] event is designed to empower writers at every stage of their journey. Whether you’re polishing your draft into a publishable masterpiece or planning your marketing strategies to reach your target audience, our expert-led panels offer valuable insights and practical advice." Not free, but still a fraction of the cost of other online conferences.

Currently Reading

"To Hell in this Egg Basket" from the Fire and Scales anthology

To be clear, I've only read "To Hell in this Egg Basket" by Michelle Ristuccia so I can't speak to the others. This YA story is told from the perspective of a school-aged dragon whose magic exam experiment isn't exactly by the rules, forcing her to figure out just how far she's willing to go to graduate. What I loved most was the immersive dragon society, creative magic system, and the endearing protagonist who made me cheer for a delinquent. A sweet tale for the ages.

Learn more

Nona the Ninth

I'm almost done with this enjoyable read. The protagonist is oodles more endearing than the previous book, and the plot is easier to follow. Recommended so far.

Remember: Nona loves you.

Read full review

My Books

"Lost Colonies". 2 book covers: "Project Xerxes" and "Enigma" by Ryan Southwick
Enigma is an epic science fantasy adventure that fans of The Expanse and Lord of the Rings will enjoy. Download Project Xerxes Free!
"Timeless Keeper Saga". 2 book covers: "Holtondome" and "New Denver"
On a war-ravaged Earth no longer able to sustain life, a half-blind dome farmer and a mysterious city dweller may hold the keys to humanity's fate. A science fiction dystopian thriller series about forbidden love, mysterious ancient artifacts, hidden powers, and the indomitable human spirit.
"The Z-Tech Chronicles" featuring 6 techno book covers. "Save the waitress, save the world."
In the face of a rising, ancient evil, a traumatized San Francisco waitress may be the only thing standing between humanity and oblivion. The Z-Tech Chronicles is a science fiction / urban fantasy saga that follows Anne Perrin on her journey from a traumatized waitress to becoming more than she ever imagined. Download Once Upon a Nightwalker Free!
"One Man's Trash by Ryan Southwick". Robot hand holding a coin with treasure coins below.
Love collides with adventure when one couple’s romantic getaway turns into a high-stakes journey of self-discovery, forgiveness, and the enduring power of connection amidst the stars.
"Dragon Assassin by Ryan Southwick." Beach and sunset.
Lust and duty tangle inextricably when Charon meets the assassin of her dreams. A steamy dragon shifter romance.