San Francisco's Hidden Art Gallery - The Mission District

San Francisco has a rich art culture. SF MoMa offers an art experience like no other, including (at the time of this writing) a video montage covering 2 x 2 story walls capturing every aspect of character the city has to offer, each segment moving and doing their own thing in small ways--a show I could sit for hours and watch. And that's just the tip of the cultural iceberg. Lucasfilm's headquarters, located in the historic Presidio National Park, has an extensive Star Wars museum. The Palace of Fine Arts is a beautiful structure around complex waterworks. Golden Gate Park has so many attractions that it's practically a world in itself, each varied and rich, just waiting to be discovered.
Far across the City, however, is an art gallery that receives far less attention that it deserves. Deep in the heart of San Francisco's Mission District (the setting for my book, Zima: Origins), around the corner from a restaurant with the best soft tacos you'll ever taste, is an inconspicuous alley filled wall-to-wall with hidden treasures.
I hope you enjoy the tour.